Eczema Relief
More and more eczema sufferers are discovering the benefit of installing a Kinetico Water Softener as part of their overall skin care routine.
TalkEczema product evaluation points to possible relief
91% of people report less itchiness and 83% claim soft water reduced the severity of their eczema.
These surprising results came out of a recent product evaluation carried out with the UK’s largest Eczema support group TalkEczema. Comments from participants include:
– “Since using a water softener her skin does feel smoother and I have to use less cream. Also at the moment less reaction when in contact with the water.”
– “Even my husband has said how moisturized his skin feels after showering. I have even managed to reduce the amount of emollient that I apply each day to my daughter.”
– “I cannot believe the difference the softener has made, I am no longer getting dry flaky patches on my face any more. And there is the added bonus of not having to use so much detergent in my wash etc, so that’s got to be better for my skin too.”

So, can a water softener help to alleviate eczema?
In the UK around one in five* children and one in twelve adults are afflicted by eczema. Despite the negative results of a clinical water softener trial carried out in 2010, more and more Eczema sufferers continue to report both an emotional and physical benefit from installing a water softener as part of their overall skin care routine.
* Source: National Eczema Society 2001.
“If anyone is wondering whether or not to get a water softener, I can say that it has been worth it for us. We have found that it makes a big difference to our 10 month old baby’s skin. After installing one, there was an immediate improvement – and specifically a reduction in scratching, which was a huge relief to all of us…”
Dylan used to suffer very badly from eczema. It was so terrible he had to wear special suits 24 hours a day and his skin was raw by his constant scratching. Despite being prescribed many different creams by his GP nothing seemed to work.
After some online research, Dylan’s mother contacted Kinetico and had a water softener installed. The transformation was remarkable. Within a few weeks Dylan’s eczema dramatically improved – and eventually vanished. Now he leads an active life, loves playing football and doesn’t have to worry about bathtime.
Eczema & Hard Water – Is there a link?
Damaging effects of hard water
People with eczema might find their skin improves when they install a water softener or move to a soft water region. This is because hard water contains high levels of calcium and magnesium which can potentially irritate the skin.
Another reason is that households in hard water areas tend to use more soap and detergent when washing clothes and bathing – products we know inflame the skin of eczema sufferers. Water softeners have an ‘ion exchange’ system which removes the calcium and magnesium salts from the water, thus completely eliminating the hardness.
Eczema is 50% more common in hard water areas
More than 60% of households are located in hard water areas in England and Wales. Research carried out at the University of Nottingham** by dermatologists, medical geographers and statisticians in 1998 indicated that hard water could play a part in causing eczema flare-ups in some children.
The study, involving more than 7,500 school age children, found that eczema is around 50% more common in primary schoolchildren living in hard water areas than those who live in soft water areas. This could not be attributed to differences in age or social class.
*Independent water softener trial by TalkEczema on behalf of Kinetico
** Source: Professor Hywel Williams, University of Nottingham, August 1998